#define TYLENG TYLONG /* char string length field */ #define TYINT TYLONG #define SZADDR 4 #define SZSHORT 2 #define SZINT 4 #define SZLONG 4 #define SZLENG SZLONG #define SZDREAL 8 /* Alignment restrictions */ #define ALIADDR SZADDR #define ALISHORT SZSHORT #define ALILONG 4 #define ALIDOUBLE 8 #define ALIINT ALILONG #define ALILENG ALILONG #define BLANKCOMMON "_BLNK__" /* Name for the unnamed common block; this is unique because of underscores */ #define LABELFMT "%s:\n" #define MAXREGVAR 4 #define TYIREG TYLONG #define MSKIREG (M(TYSHORT)|M(TYLONG)) /* allowed types of DO indicies which can be put in registers */