cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc cc mncloc : clocur test program cc cc cc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real x(38),w(19),u(19),t(40),c(80),wrk(1500),sp(40) integer iwrk(40) real al,del,fp,s integer i,idim,ier,iopt,ipar,is,i1,i2,j,j1,k,l,lwrk,l1,m,mx, * n,nc,nest,nk1 c the data absciss values data x(1),x(3),x(5),x(7),x(9),x(11),x(13),x(15),x(17),x(19),x(21), * x(23),x(25),x(27),x(29),x(31),x(33),x(35)/-4.7,-7.048,-6.894, * -3.75,-1.042,0.938,2.5,3.524,4.511,5.0,4.886,3.524,3.2,1.302, * -1.424,-3.0,-3.064,-3.665/ c the data ordinate values data x(2),x(4),x(6),x(8),x(10),x(12),x(14),x(16),x(18),x(20), * x(22),x(24),x(26),x(28),x(30),x(32),x(34),x(36)/0.0,2.565, * 5.785,6.495,5.909,5.318,4.33,2.957,1.642,0.0,-1.779,-2.957, * -5.543,-7.386,-8.075,-5.196,-2.571,-1.334/ c m denotes the number of data points m = 19 c the first and last data point coincide x(2*m-1) = x(1) x(2*m) = x(2) c we set up the weights and parameter values of the data points do 10 i=1,m w(i) = 1.0 al = (i-1)*20 u(i) = al 10 continue c we set up the dimension information. nest = 40 lwrk = 1500 nc = 80 mx = 38 c we will determine a planar closed curve x=sx(u) , y=sy(u) idim = 2 c for the first approximations we will use cubic splines k = 3 c we will also supply the parameter values u(i) ipar = 1 c loop for the different approximating spline curves do 400 is=1,9 go to (110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190),is c we start computing the least-squares point ( s very large) 110 iopt = 0 s = 900. go to 300 c iopt = 1 from the second call on 120 iopt = 1 s = 10. go to 300 c a smaller value for s to get a closer approximation 130 s = 0.1 go to 300 c a larger value for s to get a smoother approximation 140 s = 0.5 go to 300 c if a satisfactory fit is obtained we can calculate a curve of equal c quality of fit (same value for s) but possibly with fewer knots by c specifying iopt=0 150 iopt = 0 s = 0.5 go to 300 c we determine a spline curve with respect to the same smoothing c factor s, but now we let the program determine parameter values u(i) 160 ipar = 0 iopt = 0 s = 0.5 go to 300 c we choose a different degree of spline approximation 170 k = 5 iopt = 0 s = 0.5 go to 300 c we determine an interpolating curve 180 s = 0. go to 300 c finally we calculate a least-squares spline curve with specified c knots 190 iopt =-1 n = 9+2*k j = k+2 del = (u(m)-u(1))*0.125 do 200 l=1,7 al = l t(j) = u(1)+al*del j = j+1 200 continue c determine the approximating closed curve 300 call clocur(iopt,ipar,idim,m,u,mx,x,w,k,s,nest,n,t,nc, * c,fp,wrk,lwrk,iwrk,ier) c printing of the results. if( go to 310 write(6,910) k,ipar go to 320 310 write(6,915) k,ipar write(6,920) s 320 write(6,925) fp,ier write(6,930) n write(6,935) if(ipar.eq.1) write(6,940) (t(i),i=1,n) if(ipar.eq.0) write(6,950) (t(i),i=1,n) nk1 = n-k-1 write(6,945) write(6,950) (c(l),l=1,nk1) write(6,955) i1 = n+1 i2 = n+nk1 write(6,950) (c(l),l=i1,i2) write(6,960) c we evaluate the spline curve call curev(idim,t,n,c,nc,k,u,m,sp,mx,ier) do 330 i=1,9 l = (i-1)*4+1 l1 = l+1 j = l+2 j1 = j+1 write(6,965) x(l),x(l1),sp(l),sp(l1),x(j),x(j1),sp(j),sp(j1) 330 continue 400 continue stop 910 format(38h0least-squares closed curve of degree ,i1,7h ipar=,i1) 915 format(34h0smoothing closed curve of degree ,i1,7h ipar=,i1) 920 format(20h smoothing factor s=,f7.1) 925 format(1x,23hsum squared residuals =,e15.6,5x,11herror flag=,i2) 930 format(1x,24htotal number of knots n=,i3) 935 format(1x,22hposition of the knots ) 940 format(5x,10f6.0) 945 format(1x,30hb-spline coefficients of sx(u)) 950 format(5x,8f9.4) 955 format(1x,30hb-spline coefficients of sy(u)) 960 format(1h0,2(4x,2hxi,7x,2hyi,6x,6hsx(ui),3x,6hsy(ui))) 965 format(1h ,8f9.4) end