/* dsdot.f -- translated by f2c (version 20061008). You must link the resulting object file with libf2c: on Microsoft Windows system, link with libf2c.lib; on Linux or Unix systems, link with .../path/to/libf2c.a -lm or, if you install libf2c.a in a standard place, with -lf2c -lm -- in that order, at the end of the command line, as in cc *.o -lf2c -lm Source for libf2c is in /netlib/f2c/libf2c.zip, e.g., http://www.netlib.org/f2c/libf2c.zip */ #include "f2c.h" #include "blaswrap.h" doublereal dsdot_(integer *n, real *sx, integer *incx, real *sy, integer * incy) { /* System generated locals */ integer i__1, i__2; doublereal ret_val; /* Local variables */ integer i__, ns, kx, ky; /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. */ /* AUTHORS */ /* ======= */ /* Lawson, C. L., (JPL), Hanson, R. J., (SNLA), */ /* Kincaid, D. R., (U. of Texas), Krogh, F. T., (JPL) */ /* Purpose */ /* ======= */ /* Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended */ /* precision accumulation and result. */ /* Returns D.P. dot product accumulated in D.P., for S.P. SX and SY */ /* DSDOT = sum for I = 0 to N-1 of SX(LX+I*INCX) * SY(LY+I*INCY), */ /* where LX = 1 if INCX .GE. 0, else LX = 1+(1-N)*INCX, and LY is */ /* defined in a similar way using INCY. */ /* Arguments */ /* ========= */ /* N (input) INTEGER */ /* number of elements in input vector(s) */ /* SX (input) REAL array, dimension(N) */ /* single precision vector with N elements */ /* INCX (input) INTEGER */ /* storage spacing between elements of SX */ /* SY (input) REAL array, dimension(N) */ /* single precision vector with N elements */ /* INCY (input) INTEGER */ /* storage spacing between elements of SY */ /* DSDOT (output) DOUBLE PRECISION */ /* DSDOT double precision dot product (zero if N.LE.0) */ /* REFERENCES */ /* ========== */ /* C. L. Lawson, R. J. Hanson, D. R. Kincaid and F. T. */ /* Krogh, Basic linear algebra subprograms for Fortran */ /* usage, Algorithm No. 539, Transactions on Mathematical */ /* Software 5, 3 (September 1979), pp. 308-323. */ /* REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) */ /* ========================== */ /* 791001 DATE WRITTEN */ /* 890831 Modified array declarations. (WRB) */ /* 890831 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 */ /* 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) */ /* 920310 Corrected definition of LX in DESCRIPTION. (WRB) */ /* 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) */ /* 070118 Reformat to LAPACK style (JL) */ /* ===================================================================== */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --sy; --sx; /* Function Body */ ret_val = 0.; if (*n <= 0) { return ret_val; } if (*incx == *incy && *incx > 0) { goto L20; } /* Code for unequal or nonpositive increments. */ kx = 1; ky = 1; if (*incx < 0) { kx = (1 - *n) * *incx + 1; } if (*incy < 0) { ky = (1 - *n) * *incy + 1; } i__1 = *n; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { ret_val += (doublereal) sx[kx] * (doublereal) sy[ky]; kx += *incx; ky += *incy; /* L10: */ } return ret_val; /* Code for equal, positive, non-unit increments. */ L20: ns = *n * *incx; i__1 = ns; i__2 = *incx; for (i__ = 1; i__2 < 0 ? i__ >= i__1 : i__ <= i__1; i__ += i__2) { ret_val += (doublereal) sx[i__] * (doublereal) sy[i__]; /* L30: */ } return ret_val; } /* dsdot_ */