
HPL_pnum Rank determination.


#include <hpl.h>

int HPL_pnum( const HPL_T_grid * GRID, const int MYROW, const int MYCOL );


HPL_pnum determines the rank of a process as a function of its coordinates in the grid.


GRID    (local input)                 const HPL_T_grid *
        On entry,  GRID  points  to the data structure containing the
        process grid information.
MYROW   (local input)                 const int
        On entry,  MYROW  specifies the row coordinate of the process
        whose rank is to be determined. MYROW must be greater than or
        equal to zero and less than NPROW.
MYCOL   (local input)                 const int
        On entry,  MYCOL  specifies  the  column  coordinate  of  the
        process whose rank is to be determined. MYCOL must be greater
        than or equal to zero and less than NPCOL.

See Also

HPL_grid_init, HPL_grid_info, HPL_grid_exit