/**************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2007 David M. Gay Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation. The author disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ****************************************************************/ /* AVL_delnode, AVL_first, AVL_last, AVL_next, AVL_prev, AVL_vdelete, AVL_vfind, and AVL_vinsert added March 2011 (by dmg). */ #include "avltree.h" #include /* for free() */ #include #ifndef AVL_memgulp #define AVL_memgulp 256 #endif typedef struct AVL_Mblk AVL_Mblk; struct AVL_Node { Element *elem; AVL_Node *left, *right, *up; int height; }; struct AVL_Mblk { AVL_Mblk *next; AVL_Node x[AVL_memgulp]; }; struct AVL_Tree { AVL_Node *Top; AVL_Node *efree; AVL_Mblk *mb; size_t nelem; AVL_Elcomp cmp; void *v; void *(*Malloc)(size_t); void (*Free)(void*); }; AVL_Tree* AVL_Tree_alloc2(void *v, AVL_Elcomp cmp, void *(*Malloc)(size_t), void (*Free)(void*)) { AVL_Mblk *mb; AVL_Tree *T; AVL_Node *N, *Ne; size_t L; mb = (AVL_Mblk*)Malloc(L = sizeof(AVL_Tree) + sizeof(AVL_Mblk)); memset(mb, 0, L); T = (AVL_Tree*)(mb + 1); T->cmp = cmp; T->v = v; T->mb = mb; T->efree = N = mb->x; Ne = N + AVL_memgulp - 1; while(N < Ne) N = N->left = N + 1; N->left = 0; T->Malloc = Malloc; if (!Free) Free = free; T->Free = Free; return T; } void AVL_Tree_free(AVL_Tree **Tp) { AVL_Mblk *mb, *mb1; AVL_Tree *T; if ((T = *Tp)) { *Tp = 0; mb1 = T->mb; while((mb = mb1)) { mb1 = mb->next; T->Free(mb); } } } size_t AVL_Tree_size(AVL_Tree *T) { return T->nelem; } static AVL_Node* Node_alloc(AVL_Tree *T) { AVL_Mblk *mb; AVL_Node *N, *Ne, *Nrv; mb = (AVL_Mblk*)T->Malloc(sizeof(AVL_Mblk)); mb->next = T->mb; T->mb = mb; N = Nrv = mb->x; Ne = N++ + AVL_memgulp - 1; T->efree = N; while(N < Ne) N = N->left = N + 1; N->left = 0; return Nrv; } Element * AVL_vfind(AVL_Tree *T, void *v, const Element *E, AVL_Node **pN) { AVL_Node *N; int c; for(N = T->Top; N;) { if (!(c = (*T->cmp)(v, E, N->elem))) { if (pN) *pN = N; return N->elem; } if (c < 0) N = N->left; else N = N->right; } if (pN) *pN = 0; return 0; } Element * AVL_vfirst_ge(const AVL_Tree *T, void *v, const Element *E, AVL_Node **pN) { AVL_Node *N, *Nf; int c; Nf = 0; for(N = T->Top; N;) { if (!(c = (*T->cmp)(v, E, N->elem))) { Nf = N; goto done; } if (c < 0) { Nf = N; N = N->left; } else N = N->right; } done: if (pN) *pN = Nf; if (Nf) return Nf->elem; return 0; } Element * AVL_vlast_le(const AVL_Tree *T, void *v, const Element *E, AVL_Node **pN) { AVL_Node *N, *Nf; int c; Nf = 0; for(N = T->Top; N;) { if (!(c = (*T->cmp)(v, E, N->elem))) { Nf = N; goto done; } if (c < 0) N = N->left; else { Nf = N; N = N->right; } } done: if (pN) *pN = Nf; if (Nf) return Nf->elem; return 0; } static void rebalance(AVL_Tree *T, AVL_Node *N) { AVL_Node *A, *C, *D, *E, *NL, *NR, *NP; int d, h, hL, hR; for(;; N = NP) { hL = hR = 0; if ((NL = N->left)) hL = NL->height + 1; if ((NR = N->right)) hR = NR->height + 1; NP = N->up; if ((d = hL - hR) > 1) { A = NL->left; D = NL->right; if (!NR) { N->left = N->right = 0; N->height = 0; if (A) { if (D) { (D->right = N)->up = D; NL->height = 2; (NL->right = D)->up = NL; D->height = 1; } else { (NL->right = N)->up = NL; NL->height = 1; } if (!(NL->up = NP)) { T->Top = NL; break; } if (N == NP->left) NP->left = NL; else NP->right = NL; } else { (D->left = NL)->up = D; (D->right = N)->up = D; NL->height = 0; D->height = 1; NL->right = 0; if (!(D->up = NP)) { T->Top = D; break; } if (N == NP->left) NP->left = D; else NP->right = D; } } else if (A->height >= D->height) { /* easy rotation */ (N->left = D)->up = N; (NL->right = N)->up = NL; NL->height = (N->height = D->height + 1) + 1; if (!(NL->up = NP)) { T->Top = NL; break; } if (N == NP->left) NP->left = NL; else NP->right = NL; } else { /* hard rotation */ C = D->left; E = D->right; if ((NL->right = C)) C->up = NL; --NL->height; if ((N->left = E)) E->up = N; (D->left = NL)->up = D; (D->right = N)->up = D; ++D->height; N->height = NR->height + 1; if (!(D->up = NP)) { T->Top = D; break; } if (N == NP->left) NP->left = D; else NP->right = D; } } else if (d < -1) { A = NR->right; D = NR->left; if (!NL) { N->left = N->right = 0; N->height = 0; if (A) { if (D) { (D->left = N)->up = D; NR->height = 2; (NR->left = D)->up = NR; D->height = 1; } else { (NR->left = N)->up = NR; NR->height = 1; } if (!(NR->up = NP)) { T->Top = NR; break; } if (N == NP->left) NP->left = NR; else NP->right = NR; } else { (D->right = NR)->up = D; (D->left = N)->up = D; NR->height = 0; D->height = 1; NR->left = 0; if (!(D->up = NP)) { T->Top = D; break; } if (N == NP->left) NP->left = D; else NP->right = D; } } else if (A->height >= D->height) { /* easy rotation */ (N->right = D)->up = N; (NR->left = N)->up = NR; NR->height = (N->height = D->height + 1) + 1; if (!(NR->up = NP)) { T->Top = NR; break; } if (N == NP->left) NP->left = NR; else NP->right = NR; } else { /* hard rotation */ C = D->right; E = D->left; if ((NR->left = C)) C->up = NR; --NR->height; if ((N->right = E)) E->up = N; (D->right = NR)->up = D; (D->left = N)->up = D; ++D->height; N->height = NL->height + 1; if (!(D->up = NP)) { T->Top = D; break; } if (N == NP->left) NP->left = D; else NP->right = D; } } else { if ((h = hL) < hR) h = hR; if (N->height == h) break; N->height = h; if (!NP) { T->Top = N; break; } } } } Element * AVL_vinsert(AVL_Tree *T, void *v, const Element *E, AVL_Node **pN) { AVL_Node *N, *NP; int c; if (!(N = T->Top)) { if ((N = T->efree)) T->efree = N->left; else N = Node_alloc(T); N->left = N->right = N->up = 0; T->Top = N; N->elem = (Element*)E; N->height = 0; if (pN) *pN = N; T->nelem = 1; return 0; } for(;;) { NP = N; if (!(c = (*T->cmp)(v, E, N->elem))) { if (pN) *pN = N; return N->elem; } if (c < 0) { if (!(N = N->left)) { if ((N = T->efree)) T->efree = N->left; else N = Node_alloc(T); N->left = N->right = 0; (NP->left = N)->up = NP; N->elem = (Element*)E; N->height = 0; if (!NP->right) { rebalance(T,NP); } ret0: if (pN) *pN = N; ++T->nelem; return 0; } } else { if (!(N = N->right)) { if ((N = T->efree)) T->efree = N->left; else N = Node_alloc(T); N->left = N->right = 0; (NP->right = N)->up = NP; N->elem = (Element*)E; N->height = 0; if (!NP->left) rebalance(T,NP); goto ret0; } } } } Element* AVL_delnode(AVL_Tree *T, AVL_Node **pN) { AVL_Node *C, *D, *D1, *N, *NL, *NR, *U; Element *E; D = N = *pN; *pN = 0; E = N->elem; NR = N->right; U = N->up; if (!(NL = N->left)) { if (!NR) { if (!U) { T->Top = 0; goto done; } if (N == U->left) U->left = 0; else U->right = 0; } else { if (!U) { T->Top = NR; NR->up = 0; goto done; } if (N == U->left) (U->left = NR)->up = U; else (U->right = NR)->up = U; } } else if (!NR) { if (!U) { T->Top = NL; NL->up = 0; goto done; } if (N == U->left) (U->left = NL)->up = U; else (U->right = NL)->up = U; } else { if (NL->height <= NR->height) { for(D = NL; (D1 = D->right); D = D1); C = D->left; } else { for(D = NR; (D1 = D->left); D = D1); C = D->right; } N->elem = D->elem; U = D->up; if (D == U->left) U->left = C; else U->right = C; if (C) C->up = U; } rebalance(T, U); done: --T->nelem; D->left = T->efree; T->efree = D; return E; } Element* AVL_vdelete(AVL_Tree *T, void *v, const Element *E) { AVL_Node *N; Element *e; if ((e = AVL_vfind(T, v, E, &N))) AVL_delnode(T, &N); return e; } Element * AVL_first(const AVL_Tree * T, AVL_Node **pN) { AVL_Node *N, *N1; if (!(N = T->Top)) return 0; while((N1 = N->left)) N = N1; if (pN) *pN = N; return N->elem; } Element * AVL_last(const AVL_Tree *T, AVL_Node **pN) { AVL_Node *N, *N1; if (!(N = T->Top)) return 0; while((N1 = N->right)) N = N1; if (pN) *pN = N; return N->elem; } Element * AVL_next(AVL_Node **pN) { AVL_Node *N, *N1; N = *pN; if ((N1 = N->right)) { while((N = N1->left)) N1 = N; ret: *pN = N1; return N1->elem; } while((N1 = N->up)) { if (N == N1->left) goto ret; N = N1; } *pN = 0; return 0; } Element * AVL_prev(AVL_Node **pN) { AVL_Node *N, *N1; N = *pN; if ((N1 = N->left)) { while((N = N1->right)) N1 = N; ret: *pN = N1; return N1->elem; } while((N1 = N->up)) { if (N == N1->right) goto ret; N = N1; } *pN = 0; return 0; } #ifndef AVLTREE_NO_OMIT_NONV AVL_Tree* AVL_Tree_alloc(void *v, AVL_Elcomp cmp, void *(*Malloc)(size_t)) { return AVL_Tree_alloc2(v, cmp, Malloc, 0); } void * AVL_setv(AVL_Tree *T, void *v) { void *rv = T->v; T->v = v; return rv; } static int avl_visit1(void *v, AVL_Node *N, AVL_Visitor V) { AVL_Node *N1; int rv; top: if ((N1 = N->left)) avl_visit1(v, N1, V); if ((rv = (*V)(v, N->elem))) return rv; if ((N = N->right)) goto top; return 0; } int AVL_visit(void *v, AVL_Tree *T, AVL_Visitor V) { if (!T->Top) return 0; return avl_visit1(v, T->Top, V); } Element * AVL_find(const Element *e, AVL_Tree *T) { return AVL_vfind(T, T->v, e, 0); } Element * AVL_insert(const Element *e, AVL_Tree *T) { return AVL_vinsert(T, T->v, e, 0); } Element * AVL_delete(const Element *e, AVL_Tree *T) { return AVL_vdelete(T, T->v, e); } Element * AVL_first_ge(const AVL_Tree *T, const Element *e, AVL_Node **pN) { return AVL_vfirst_ge(T, T->v, e, pN); } Element * AVL_last_le(const AVL_Tree *T, const Element *e, AVL_Node **pN) { return AVL_vlast_le(T, T->v, e, pN); } #endif /* AVLTREE_NO_OMIT_NONV */