subroutine xerrwv(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,ni,i1,i2,nr,r1,r2) c c abstract c xerrwv processes a diagnostic message, in a manner c determined by the value of level and the current value c of the library error control flag, kontrl. c (see subroutine xsetf for details.) c in addition, up to two integer values and two real c values may be printed along with the message. c c description of parameters c --input-- c messg - the hollerith message to be processed. c nmessg- the actual number of characters in messg. c nerr - the error number associated with this message. c nerr must not be zero. c level - error category. c =2 means this is an unconditionally fatal error. c =1 means this is a recoverable error. (i.e., it is c non-fatal if xsetf has been appropriately called.) c =0 means this is a warning message only. c =-1 means this is a warning message which is to be c printed at most once, regardless of how many c times this call is executed. c ni - number of integer values to be printed. (o to 2) c i1 - first integer value. c i2 - second integer value. c nr - number of real values to be printed. (0 to 2) c r1 - first real value. c r2 - second real value. c c examples c call xerror(29hsmooth -- num (=i1) was zero.,29,1,2, c 1 1,num,0,0,0.,0.) c call xerrwv(54hquadxy -- requested error (r1) less than minimum c 1 (r2).,54,77,1,0,0,0,2,errreq,errmin) c c written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee c latest revision --- 19 mar 1980 c dimension messg(nmessg),lun(5) c get flags lkntrl = j4save(2,0,.false.) maxmes = j4save(4,0,.false.) c check for valid input if (( 1 ( go to 10 if ( call xerprt(17hfatal error in...,17) call xerprt(23hxerror -- invalid input,23) if ( call fdump if ( call xerprt(29hjob abort due to fatal error., 1 29) if ( call xersav(1h ,0,0,0,kdummy) call xerabt(23hxerror -- invalid input,23) return 10 continue c record message junk = j4save(1,nerr,.true.) call xersav(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,kount) c let user override lfirst = messg(1) lmessg = nmessg lerr = nerr llevel = level call xerctl(lfirst,lmessg,lerr,llevel,lkntrl) c reset to original values lmessg = nmessg lerr = nerr llevel = level lkntrl = max0(-2,min0(2,lkntrl)) mkntrl = iabs(lkntrl) c decide whether to print message if (( go to 100 if (((llevel.eq.(-1)).and.(,maxmes))) 1.or.((llevel.eq.0) .and.( 2.or.((llevel.eq.1) .and.( 3.or.((llevel.eq.2) .and.(,maxmes)))) go to 100 if (lkntrl.le.0) go to 20 call xerprt(1h ,1) c introduction if (llevel.eq.(-1)) call xerprt 1(57hwarning message...this message will only be printed once.,57) if (llevel.eq.0) call xerprt(13hwarning in...,13) if (llevel.eq.1) call xerprt 1 (23hrecoverable error in...,23) if (llevel.eq.2) call xerprt(17hfatal error in...,17) 20 continue c message call xerprt(messg,lmessg) call xgetua(lun,nunit) do 50 kunit=1,nunit iunit = lun(kunit) if (iunit.eq.0) iunit = i1mach(4) if ( write (iunit,22) i1 if ( write (iunit,23) i2 if ( write (iunit,24) r1 if ( write (iunit,25) r2 22 format (11x,21hin above message, i1=,i10) 23 format (11x,21hin above message, i2=,i10) 24 format (11x,21hin above message, r1=,e20.10) 25 format (11x,21hin above message, r2=,e20.10) if (lkntrl.le.0) go to 40 c error number write (iunit,30) lerr 30 format (15h error number =,i10) 40 continue 50 continue c trace-back if ( call fdump 100 continue ifatal = 0 if ((llevel.eq.2).or.((llevel.eq.1).and.(mkntrl.eq.2))) 1ifatal = 1 c quit here if message is not fatal if (ifatal.le.0) return if ((lkntrl.le.0).or.(,maxmes))) go to 120 c print reason for abort if (llevel.eq.1) call xerprt 1 (35hjob abort due to unrecovered error.,35) if (llevel.eq.2) call xerprt 1 (29hjob abort due to fatal error.,29) c print error summary call xersav(1h ,-1,0,0,kdummy) 120 continue c abort if ((llevel.eq.2).and.(,maxmes))) lmessg = 0 call xerabt(messg,lmessg) return end